Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Stomach Ache

one day pass one day, you treat me like nobody.
dont know why will like that d.?!
huh?! so confuse.!!

this two days i keep stomach ache, eat what also cannot make me feel unwell.

yesterday i found the oreo ice-cream biscuit. so happy ^___^
and i bought 4... (dont know can finish it or not)

dont know how to describe my feeling now.
he told me before, i'm only his love. is it he love is himself?
i think he most important thing is his business. 
no one can disturb him about this. me also cannot one.

today, the cat sleep in front of our door. 
M need go out to fetch S but the cat was so terrible.
M take the broom to get the cat away. 
but the cat no feel go get away, it standby at the stair this make M so scare. wakakkakaka :D and then i call her take a bread throw to other side and then she can go down to fetch S.
Finally, she go down, and i gave her a call. she say she are safe.

in the end of this day, i have no receive any call from him.
dont know what happen by he.
i scare to ask thing from him. 
scare he say me not mature or what.
sweat... =.=|||

Stomach Still ACHE... 

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