Sunday, October 31, 2010

In The Middle Of The Night

i still busying with my assignment. what a terrible thing. i hope
 no more work to do, no more assignment, no more stress. 
and i can get a happy holiday with my dear.
go to KL.(Pavilion, Sungei Wang, Sunway Lagoon,...) go to the place i ever go before.

actually i really don't know he want me to calm down for what. i so confuse on that.
hope today will be a good day, better day, best day for me.
we will no more argue. he won't say need calm down for a day.
i really hope no more again.

i wish to be a happy girl.

i wish i wont cry behind he again. i feel so stress on this.
why i can't control my tears as well as i can?!
i don't want he say break with me anymore. i hope he won't threat me. then i can be a happy girl.

GOD, please help me get away from this. 
GOD, please today he won't give me one day time to calm down.
GOD, please blessing me this pity girl.

i still with that crazy girl watch the animation.

and she wanna eat the french fries. 

She want me get fat, fatter, and fattest in the world.


i not wish my blog got people know and see.
Wakakka :D

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